Wendy Williams Undergoes Cognitive Evaluation Amid Guardianship Concerns
NEW YORK – Wendy Williams has been taken to Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City for an independent evaluation concerning her cognitive abilities. This assessment aims to ascertain if she is capable of concluding her existing guardianship, as reported by TMZ.
On Monday, Williams was escorted from a nearby assisted living facility, where she reportedly feels restricted and unable to leave independently due to her guardianship status. The New York Police Department (NYPD) is conducting an investigation into her circumstances, focusing on whether she is being unduly restricted at the facility.
Background on Guardianship
A guardianship arrangement is established by a court to allow an individual or organization to make decisions on behalf of someone deemed unable to manage their own affairs, according to nycourts.gov.
Wendy Williams was placed under guardianship several years ago due to challenges stemming from alcohol use. However, Harvey Levin from TMZ has suggested that she may have been misdiagnosed, and reports indicate that Williams has shown improvement since achieving sobriety.
Inside the facility, sources have revealed that Williams has been largely confined to a room, with limited outdoor access—only permitted outside twice in the last month. Levin noted during an interview that Williams feels trapped and has expressed her distress over the situation. He stated, “She rightly feels like a prisoner.”
Furthermore, Levin reported that Williams appears to be returning to her former self, yet her guardian has not permitted her release.
As of now, FOX 5 NY has not verified the circumstances surrounding Williams’s transport to the hospital.
This news story is developing. Please check back with FOX 5 NY for updates.
The information in this article is sourced from reports by TMZ and an interview conducted by KDFW featuring Harvey Levin.